
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

My Future Business

My Future Business Before i elaborate my idea i will tell you what is definition of business. Business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exhanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some from of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit. A business that I want to create in the future is I want to make a Javanese food Restaurant with design like culture from java. Because most of the people or children, student and ext, they are don’t know about CULTURE. This so terrible, That why i wanna make this restaurant not just sell about food but show what is our culture for all generation. Why i choose javanese food because in pontianak most of the people never taste it like Gudeg, Rames, Nasi Kucing, Sosis Solo, Tahu Acar, and ext. The name of the food is very unfamiliar to the people of pontianak city, so it can be an interesting and different business from ot...

Expo In Auditorium Tanjungpura University

Expo In Auditorium Tanjungpura University I already visited Expo In Auditorium Tanjungpura University on 9th Mei 2017 Ø   American Corner o    Unique : The Books From America original and just Amcor have it, Amcor has Pulpen 3D for write with any color you choose the color, Amcor also has game, and Amcor will hold camp for women support by Rektor Tanjungpura University. If you Take a Picture and Post in instagram also take IG amcor Untan, you will get pin from american corner, and some of prize. Ø   BCLC ( British Culture Learning Center ) o    Unique : they are promote about the PTE and IELTS for schoolarship, because Toefl is not accurate again. They are have game. The game is Wall on the Future, if you write what we want to do in the ten years later. You can choose the price like pen or merchandise. Ø   UPT BAHASA o    Unique : Offered some english test, like TOEFL ITP, TPA, Bapenas ext. Ø   KED...