My speech "about drug"

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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Good evening for the honorable miss dini and all of the audiences
First of all, let's thanks Allah the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to deliver my speech in this evening
The addictive drug is a kind of drug, which is often misused and cause many problems on one's nerves. Drug abuse can result in nerve damage, resulting in addiction and dependence. The use of drugs does not fit the current rules a lot going on in the community.
When a drug is used, the effects will be retrieved by the user. First, the drug is able to provide peace to the wearer and make them unconscious. When used in excess, then the drug could result in death. Later, the drug can also cause stimulation and passion toward the user.

The Ladies and Gentlemen
Drugs are not only used by the adults, but its abuse was committed by teen years old. In Indonesia, we often see an awful lot of kids who use drugs. Of course, the use of addictive substances provides a broad and thorough impact for them. They will experience a change in behavior, decreasing the quality of work, potentially causing crime and getting the health disorders cause death.
As teachers,  parents, or as anything else, we should prevent any drug abuse. We can make a variety of programs and activities such as playing music, exercising, making the clubs studied, and various social activities. In essence, we make a wide range of activities that aim to distract the students.
All students as the young generation in particular
This is a very serious problem for us. A generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and soon. In short, we must be willing to go to against illicit drugs, and war must start from within.
So, what can we do as a young generation? Prevention is better than cure. Avoid drugs because once you try it, you will be stuck and then became addicted. You will eventually be turned into criminals or take your life. We have so many examples around us, what happens to the user. They are all loose on their future. I think we do not want such things to happen to ourselves.
Let us do the above efforts consistently and never give up. I am sure that we could eradicate drugs in Indonesia.
That’s all my speech. I do hope my speech will be useful in our life.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.


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